
Harfang 3D Game Engine Hands On Review

Harfang 3D Engine Hands-On

The Harfang 3D engine is an open source graphics engine for creating games, applications and VR apps for Windows and Linux. The core framework is available under multiple open source licenses including GPLv3, LGPL as well as a paid commercial license. In addition to the core framework, there is also …

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The Wicked Engine is now available on Steam

Wicked Engine Now On Steam

Wicked Engine is a powerful open source C++ based game engine (we recently showcased for more detailed information) that was just released on Steam. This makes it much easier for developers to evaluate the engine with no need to build from source code, nor deal with the C++ programming language. …

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Optikon Lua/Love Level Editor

Optikon Love2D Level Editor

Optikon is a free Windows based ( Mac and Linux can run via Wine ) level editor that takes a WYSIWYG approach to creating game levels using the Lua powered Love game framework.Details of Optikon from the website:Drag and Drop Level DesignOptikon is a simple drag-and-drop level designer which makes stunning 2D level design in […]

Core Open Alpha Release

Core Now In Open Alpha

Core is a new game creation platform built upon Unreal Engine that recently went into open alpha release.  Core is a game creation platform in a similar vein as Dreams, Roblox and Second Life.  It comes packed out of the box with models, audio and materials and can be coded using the Lua programming language.Core […]

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