Following half a year since the 1.3 release, Flax Engine 1.4 was released today. The C# powered, cross platform, source available game engine gain some very nice capabilities, along with a pretty massive change to licensing costs.
Key Features of the 1.4 release include:
- a change from $25K a quarter earnings to a $250K earnings before royalties (of 4% on the exceeding balance) are owed
- the addition of an all new real-time global illumination system based around the DDGI algorithm and utilizing SDF (signed distance fields)
- SDFs are also used in materials, particles and shaders, opening up several new VFX options
- a new tech demo (available here and on Steam) showcasing the new GI in action
- addition of 64bit world coordinates enabling universe scale games
- a new crowd based navigation system
- a new rich text view with HTML formatting support
- improvements to the visual scripting language including dictionary support and new find functionality
- miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Key Links
You can learn more about the Flax Engine 1.4 release and see the new tech demo in action in the video below.