The following is a list of keyboard and mouse shortcuts for using Blender. It is mostly for my own reference and exists because many of the existing shortcut lists out there a) are out dated and largely irrelevant now b) are too comprehensive. I really only care to record the keys that are most useful to me in my work on GFS. Hopefully they prove useful to you as well.
This is very much a live document, so as I find new shortcuts I use, I add them here.
In Object Mode: | |
T | Show/Hide Object Tools |
N | Show/Hide Transform Window |
CTRL + T | With Camera selected, then object, tracks (points) to object |
G | Grab mode, like a freehand move |
R | Rotate |
S | Scale |
G then x/y/z R then x/y/z S then x/y/z |
Limited Move/Rotate/Scale to giving axis. For example, hitting the G key, then the X key will limit your movement to the X axis |
Shift – Space | Toggles visibility all but active window ( ie, will hide/show Outliner and Timeline if using 3D View ) |
X | Delete |
C | circle Select |
B | Rectangle select |
In Edit Mode: | |
A | Select All |
T | Show/Hide Edit Tools |
(Num Pad) . | Zoom selected |
B | Rectangle Select |
CTRL + E | Edge menu |
CTRL + F | Face menu |
CTRL + V | Vertices menu |
TAB | Switch between EDIT and Object |
CTRL + TAB | Switch between Vertex/Face/Edge menu |