The ct.js 3 open source cross platform 2D game engine recently released version 3.0. The ct.js game engine runs on Windows, Mac and Linux and the source code is available on GitHub under the MIT open source license. The engine comes with a full JavaScript API, several plug and play extensions, full level editor, FX and UI editors and more. The engine is built on top of the Pixi.js HTML 2D renderer and supports most major platforms for deployment.
Features of ct.js 3 include:
- Room / Level editor with tile support
- Integrated code editor with error handling
- Arcade collisions and 2D physics libraries
- Framed & skeletal animations
- Music & sound manager
- Particle system, shaders, and lighting system
- Notes & docs in a side panel, on every screen
- Ability to use custom JavaScript
- Easy packing and deploying
Key Links
You can learn more about the ct.js game engine and see it in action in the video below.