This is the table of contents for GameFromScratch’s ongoing tutorial series on programming games using the SpriteKit library with the Swift programming language. This series will cover all you need to know to work with SpriteKit as well as some of the ins and outs of using the new Swift programming language with real world examples.
This section looks at creating a simple SpriteKit / swift project
Part 2: Using Sprites ( and SKNodes )
Now we cover sprites and SKNode objects, grouping and handling
In this section, we look at how Xcode generates texture atlases ( sprite sheets ) and how to use them in code
Now we look at working with SKActions to perform actions in our code
Now we put it all together to perform sprite animations
Part 6: Working with Physics Part 1
Here we add some simple physics to the world. First basic gravity, then environmental collisions
Part 6: Working with Physics Part 2
Next, we look at contact/collision handling as well as applying force
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A Problem with SpriteKit / Swift on Mac OS/X 10.9 and a simple fix
There is currently a bug that will make a default game app not work on Mac’s running 10.9. This shows a very simple work around.