Released in Beta back in December, Unity 3.5 is now out of beta! This release is a pretty epic one to boot. New features include:
- Flash export. Compile your game to SWF format
- Google Native client targeting ( Chrome C++ )
- Path finding built in
- A new particle system, editable in Edit Mode, group-able, modular with a built in curve editor
- Built in LoD support
- Asset cache server
- Multithreaded rendering ( PC, Mac, 360 only )
- HDR support
- Directional light maps
- Select and edit multiple items in Inspector
- Webcam texture ( huh? )
- Microphone support on all platforms
- iOS improvements including iAd, Compass, Gyro, Camera, Microphone and push notification support
- Android improvements include Mouse/Joystick support, Camera, Microphone, Gyro/Compass, Android 3.2 ( Honeycomb ) and Android 4.0 ( Ice Cream Sandwich ) support
And much much more. The full list of changes is available here.