There is a new bundle of interest to game developers, the Unity FPS Games & GameDev Assets Humble Bundle, a massive collection of add-ons, plugins, models and more for the Unity game engine as well as a pair of WW1 themed first person shooters. Even better, so many of these assets could be used in any game engine, with instructions on how to do so available here.
As with all Humble Bundles, this one is organized into tiers as follows:
1$ Tier
- Footstep and Foley Sounds
- CITADEL: Desert Environment Pack
- JU TPS 2: Third Person Shooter System + Vehicle Physics
24$ Tier
- Guns & Explosion Sounds
- Colossal Game Music Collection
- GUI Pro Kit – Sci-Fi Survival
- Sci-Fi Gun Sounds
- Sci-Fi Weapons Arsenal
25$ Tier
- UFPS: Ultimate FPS
- SCI FI Characters Mega Pack Vol 2
- Character Movement Fundamentals
- Highlight Plus
- Tannenberg (Game)
- Verdun(Game)
- Polarith AI Pro
- Sensor Toolkit
- Super Multiplayer Shooter Template
- CScape City System
- 3D Scifi Kit Vol 3
- Impact – Physics Interaction System
- Animated Hands with Weapons Pack
- Post Apocalyptic World Pack
- ProTips Tooltip System
- RV Smart AI
- RV Honor AI
As with all Humble Bundles, you decide how your funds are allocated, between charity, Humble, the publisher and if you so choose (and thanks so much if you do!) to support GFS using this link. You can learn more about the Unity FPS Games & GameDev Assets Humble Bundle in the video below.
It is also worth noting that the Unity Humble Fantasy bundle has been extended for two more weeks!