
Unity Book Roundup

With the recent (limited time) release of Unity Android and iOS for free, there is bound to be an increase in interest. One starting point is books, of which there are now a few dozen available. This post puts together as much information on a single page as possible to make your selection process as […]

Photoshop Touch for Android Review

    So exactly how far can a 10$ application take you?  The answer is, surprisingly far! In this guided tour/review we are looking at Adobe’s recently released Photoshop Touch.     EDIT: 2/17/2012 – Major changes since release have removed many of the negative points in this review, be sure to check here for […]

Photoshop Touch for Android: Part 2 The Tools

      Now lets take a quick look at the tools available in Photoshop touch.  Obviously the tool bar is the ideal place to start.  It is fairly sparse but at the same time is the essence of Photoshop and I rather appreciate the streamlined nature.       Here is a graphic of […]

Photoshop Touch for Android: Part 3 The Actions

    OK “Actions” may be a bad choice of words, but I never came up with a better name and as you will see shortly, there are some items here that would probably make more sense to be in the tools section.  Just like the tools menu, the Actions menu can be minimized by […]

Photoshop Touch for Android: Part 4 Layers

    Layers in PS Touch are much more streamlined than in desktop Photoshop.  First off, there is a fixed limit of 16 layers, which while manageable can be a bit of a pain.  Given the constrained resources of the devices it is operating on, it seems like a reasonable enough limitation.  The layer interface […]

Photoshop Touch for Android: Part 5 The Results!

    As you have seen, there is a ton of functionality packed in to a 10$ package!  They made good use of the tablets features and with a few UI exceptions, it is an incredibly well put together piece of software.  As far as Android apps go, it is actually much more stable than […]

Photoshop Touch for Android: Part 6 Post Release Changes

    One nice recurring trend with mobile applications is a wealth of post release support. Fortunately, Photoshop touch is no exception. As of this writing ( February 17th, 2012 ) Photoshop Touch has been patched to 1.1.1 and happily they addressed most of my biggest complaints!       So then, what was the […]

Cool thing of the week archives

    Following is the archive of prior “cool thing of the week” entries.  The Cool thing of the week is simply something I discovered, generally on the topic of game programming, that I think you should check out.  If you have a recommendation for a future “cool thing” email me.  Please also let me […]

Game From Scratch C++ Edition Part 9

    Last chapter we wrote some fairly lousy audio code, now it’s time to clean that up a bit.  Previously we showed how you could use the service locator design pattern to make a swappable interface available without using globals, now we are going to throw away all the FMOD bits and re-write all […]

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