The following email just landed in my inbox.
Unreal Engine 4.2 is Here!
In this update we’re shipping 269 new additions, 163 changes and 107 fixes. That’s 539 updates in 6 weeks. Here are a few ways you can do more with Unreal Engine 4 for only $19 per month. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do!
Get our feature-rich vehicle support! 4.2 ships with a vehicle template in C++ and Blueprint form, plus our vehicle sample game to help you ramp up.
Explore Tappy Chicken, recently released for iOS, Android and HTML5, to learn how to make a small, simple app that deploys over the air in less than 30MB. Mobile enhancements include leaderboards, achievements and ad support.
Join our new Unreal Tournament open development project for PC, Mac and Linux.
Get new features like camera animation system, Blueprint cut/copy/paste, and more!
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Metal API, iOS 8 and UE4 Developers!
This week we were a part of Apple’s WWDC keynote revealing Zen Garden, a beautiful environment built in Unreal Engine 4 to demonstrate the kinds of vibrant dynamic scenes and enormous vistas made possible by the new Metal API for iOS 8. We’re bringing the latest technology to UE4 developers.
Download all the free, pretty content on Marketplace!
Here are just two recent additions.
Quixel’s stunning Sci-Fi Hallway
Epic’s Stylized Demo
We’re just getting started! Check out the UE4 Roadmap and vote for features you want to see in future releases.
If you have any questions or feedback you’d like to share, please visit the forums or join our live broadcasts at every Thursday at 2pm ET, which you can always go back and view at
Thank you for being a part of this adventure. As you can see at, there are many exciting efforts in progress at Epic and throughout the Unreal ecosystem.
We hope to see you around.
I am downloading the update now. It appears the download weighs in at 2.6GB. Unreal continue to bring new features at a pretty good pace.