
LibGDX Tutorial Part 14: Gamepad support

  Previous Part Table Of Contents Next Part   Today we are going to look at adding game pad support into LibGDX, specifically the XBox 360 controller.  Why the Xbox 360 controller?  Well, it’s the controller that I ( and 90% of other PC gamers it seems ) own.  You should be able to modify […]

LibGDX Tutorial 6: Motion controls

Previous Part Table Of Contents Next Part   In the previous tutorial we looked at handling touch and gesture events.  These days, most mobile devices have very accurate motion detection capabilities, which LibGDX fully supports.  In this example we will look at how to handle motion as well as detect if a device supports certain […]

LibGDX Tutorial 8: Audio

Previous Part Table Of Contents Next Part   This section is going to be rather small because, well frankly, LibGDX makes audio incredibly easy.  Unlike previous tutorials, this one is going to contain a number of snippets.  LibGDX supports 3 audio formats: ogg, mp3 and wav.  MP3 is a format that is mired in legal […]

LibGDX Tutorial 9: Scene2D Part 1

Previous Part Table Of Contents Next Part   In this section we are going to take a look at the Scene2D library.  The first thing you need to be aware of is scene2d is entirely optional!  If you don’t want to use it, don’t.  All the other parts, except the bits built over Scene2D, will […]

LibGDX Tutorial 9: Scene2D Part 2– Actions

Previous Part Table Of Contents Next Part   In the second part of the LibGDX Scene2D tutorial we will now look at Actions.  Actions are a convenient ( and completely optional! ) way to get your game’s Actors to “do stuff”.   Let’s jump straight in to an example: package com.gamefromscratch; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; […]

LibGDX Tutorial 3B: Simple Animation

Previous Part Table Of Contents Next Part   Back in Tutorial 3 I created a simple animation using a Timer and setting the frame manually from a TextureAtlas.  This is not the ideal way to perform animation using LibGDX and was done to illustrate how to use a TextureAtlas, not how to perform animation.  Instead […]

LibGDX Tutorial 3C: Scene management

Previous Part Table Of Contents Next Part   So far we’ve look at what Scene2D provides in terms of Actors, Actions as well as handling input, now we will look at some of the scene management functionality it provides.  One of the very powerful capabilities of Scene2D is grouping.  Let’s jump right in with an […]

LibGDX Tutorial 9: Scene2D Part 4–UI Skins

Previous Part Table Of Contents Next Part   One of the nicest features of Scene2D is the UI layer built over top of it.  Scene2D.ui provides a series of widgets that make creating a UI an breeze, something often lacking in game development libraries.  That said, there is one very confusing stumbling block before you […]

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