
OReilly Programming Language Humble Bundle

Programming Languages Books By OReilly Bundle

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, the Humble Book Bundle: Programming Languages by O’Reilly bundle.  This is a collection of ebooks covering a variety of programming languages.  This bundle includes the following tiers:1$ Tier97 Things Every Java Programmer Should KnowThink JuliaProgramming ScalaIntroducing GoLearning Perl8$ TierLearning SQLProgramming PHPR CookbookHead First KotlinUsing […]

Humble JavaScript Coding Bundle

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, the Humble JavaScript Coding Bundle.  This bundle consists of JavaScript themed courses from Zenva,  many of which are themed around game development related topics.  Do be aware that many of the included courses have been included in prior Humble Bundles, so be sure to […]

Humble Game Creator Bundle

Game Creator Humble Bundle

The Game Creator Humble Bundle is currently running over at Humble.  The bundle contains dozens of game assets including sprites, 2.5D art, battler images and music assets for use in your game, as well as the 001 Game Creator game engine and PixelMash, a pixel graphics application previously covered here.As with all Bundles this one […]

RPG Game Development Assets On Humble

RPG Game Development Assets Bundle

In one of the biggest game development Humble Bundle, the RPG Game Development Assets 2D Art, Music and Sound Effects bundle is live now.  As always it is split into tiers:1$ Tier7Souls RPG Graphics – Desert Tileset7Soul’s RPG Graphics – SpritesDialogue BoxesInventory Sound PackJapanese Bar Interior AssetsOsaka City Game AssetsRPG Inventory – Fantasy Battle AxesRPG […]

No Starch Learn Python Bundle on Humble

Learn You Some Python By No Starch Bundle

Humble are running a new bundle of interest to game developers, the Learn You Some Python by No Starch Press bundle.  This is a collection of Python ebooks including a few specifically about game development.  Be aware though, a very similar bundle Python Programming ran about a year ago with many of the same titles.  […]

Humble Game Indie Publishing

Humble Launch Indie Publisher Humble Games

Humble, famous for the Humble Bundle deals, have just launched an indie game developer focused publisher Humble Games.  Humble have already worked with a number of developers to bring games such as Void Bastards and Slay the Spire to market.  In celebration of the Humble Games launch, they are also running a “Make Your Own […]

Humble Zenva Learn Game Development Bundle

Humble Learning Game Coding and Development Bundle

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, this one is the Humble Learning Game Coding and Development Bundle.  As with all Humble Bundles, this one is organized into tiers:1$ TierGodot Game Development For BeginnersIntro to RPG Development with PhaserIntro to Game Development with UnityCreate Your First 3D Game with UnityUnity 2D […]

Humble Big Music Pack

Big Music Humble Bundle

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, this one is a collection of audio tracks and music loops.  Called the Big Music for Games, Film and Content Creators bundle, it is a collection of zip files containing WAV soundtracks for use in your game or film project.  As with all Humble […]

Humble C# Books From Packt

Humble C#/.NET Core Book and Video Bundle

There is a new Humble Bundle available today of interest to game developers, specifically C# programmers. It is the C# & .NET CORE Humble Bundle by Packt Press, a collection of e-books and training videos around the subjects of C#, .NET Core, Azure and more.As with all Humble Bundles, this one is split into tiers:1$ […]

Humble Math Book Bundle

Humble Math Books By Mercury Bundle

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, the Humble Applied Math Productivity by Mercury Learning bundle is a collection of mathematics related e-books. As with all Humble Bundles, this one is organized into tiers, including:1$ Tier· Dimensional Analysis for Unit Conversion Using MATLAB· Numeric Methods in Engineering and Science· Algebra Essentials· […]

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