The DragonRuby Game Toolkit standard edition is currently available for free today only. We looked at the DragonRuby toolkit last year if you want a more in-depth look into this unique game framework. It is a high performance, simple to use, Ruby powered framework for creating 2D games. In response to recently trending on Hacker News, the Standard Edition of the toolkit is currently available for free over on
More details of the DragonRuby Game Toolkit are available on their website here. If you have any questions or problems they have an active Discord Server available here. If you want to get your hands dirty with some DragonRuby code you can check out there interactive sandbox available here. Finally there is a complete starter course available here.
As of publishing there are just over 14 hours remaining in the DragonRuby Game Toolkit giveaway. You can learn more about it in the video below.