Unity Lunar New Year Mega Bundle

There is a new Unity Mega Bundle celebrating the Lunar New Year, where you can save up to 95% off on several Unity assets. Of the 20 assets, 17 appear to have not appeared in a recent Humble or Unity Mega Bundle. As with all Mega Bundles, this one is organized into three tiers, although from a pricing perspective only the top tier makes sense.

29.99$ Tier


Sprite Shaders Ultimate

Sci-Fi Turret Constructor

39.99$ Tier

Collectable Item VFX

Exporter for Unreal to Unity 2023

SciFi Space Base

44.99$ Tier

Grabbit – Editor Physics Transforms

Warrior Pack Mega Bundle

Flexalon 3D Layouts

SensorToolkit 2

Easy AR: Make Awesome AR Apps without Coding


Skill & Attack Indicators

Smooth Sync

ProTips – Tooltip System

Sci-Fi Sound Pack

Powerslide Kart Physics

Ivy Studio – Procedural Vine Generation

If you buy a higher dollar value tier, you get all of the lower valued tiers as well. You can learn more about the Unity Lunar New Year Mega Bundle in the video below. Links in this article will pay GFS a small commission if used (and thanks if you do).

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