Found yourself with a lot of free time on your hands lately?  Yeah, you’re not alone.  Why not spend the time improving your programming ability, which is exactly what you can do with the Software Development by O’Reilly bundle on now.  A collection of e-Books on a broad range of subjects including better programming habits, test driven design, algorithms and design patterns.  As always this bundle is organized into tiers:

1$ Tier

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  • Apprenticeship Patterns
  • 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know
  • The Art of Readable Code
  • Algorithms in a Nutshell

8$ Tier

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  • Becoming a Better Programmer
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15$ Tier

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All of the books are available in PDF, MOBI and EPUB formats.  As with all Humble Bundles you can decide how your money is allocated, between the publisher, Humble, charity and if you choose (and thanks if you do!) to support GFS using this link.  You can learn more about the bundle in the video below.

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